E-document workflow

E-document workflow is the way documents flow in and out of the company, as well as the ability to organise work with little or no use of paper. E-document workflow provides the opportunity to exchange documents via a local network or the internet


What will you get?

Increasing the speed of information processing

Assisting you in finding the documents you need

Reducing the cost of the company to produce the same document

Reducing the risk of lost documentation

Quality documentation processing

Benefits of implementing E-document workflow


Cost savings

Reducing costs for maintaining printers, stationery and forwarding of documentation



Possibility to assign access rights to documents depending on the employee's position and functions


Working from anywhere in the world

Information exchange becomes seamless and convenient no matter where its users are


Information security

All documents and emails are fed into a shared system, so there is no risk of data loss or of being left unattended


Document systematisation

All documentation can be conveniently sorted to make it easier to find information in the system



Ability to receive notification of document receipt, certification, movement and amendments online


Time savings

Employee and management time spent on document handling is reduced, so that approvals, signatures and amendments can be made more quickly and efficiently